Pan Atlantic | CV with magnifying glass

PanAtlantic on the Value of the Job Description

At PanAtlantic, we notice that for a lot of modern companies, when hiring new staff, the job description is an afterthought, or treated as a functional part of the hiring process, with no further value. However the reality is that the job description represents so much more. Job descriptions should be the cornerstone of your company’s talent management programme, and here’s why.

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Pan Atlantic | Social network connections drawn on glass

PanAtlantic Reveal the Importance of Recruiting the Right People

Often, when a business is in its infancy, the founder will do all of the jobs themselves. This includes financial planning, sourcing suppliers, finding customers, delivering orders, and much more. This can be very enjoyable and rewarding, although it will involve long hours and lots of hard work. There’s only so much that one person can do, however, and so if real growth is to be achieved, there comes a time when extra help will be needed. Here, Pan Atlantic look at the importance of recruitment for business growth.

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