Christmas is a time of giving back, a time at the end of every year where rewards are given to show appreciation and concern for others around you. This doesn’t have to start outside of the workplace, as most of us are probably already planning our company Christmas party, usually put on and paid for by grateful management. Managing director Justin Cobb of innovative, NYC-based marketing firm Pan Atlantic shares with us his idea of how to do Christmas the right way, as the director of a successful business, and the leader of his team.
Company director’s shoes are large ones to fill anyway, so come Christmas you cannot afford to trip up and be caught acting like a scrooge. At the end of every year, you’re popularity in the office, and your rating as a director is judged pretty much on the scale of the Christmas festivities that you throw. Most decisions you have made for the company up until this point are basically void, and nothing else is as important as how much effort you put into the company Christmas party. Managing director Justin Cobb of Pan Atlantic says “If you are a director of a company which is still very successful by the end of the business year, then the fact is your dedicated team are the very reason why. Going small at Christmas will deem you as stingy, ungrateful and greedy, none of which will excite your team to come back to work for you in the new year. You should show your appreciation by giving the team a Christmas party to remember, treat them to an impressive venue and go all out on the champers. This is your one day to say thank you for the other 364 days they dedicate to being your employees.”
Before the Christmas break, you should indeed hold an opportunity meeting with your team; these sessions give you the chance to reflect on the past year and project the company growth plans for the next one. “Opportunity meetings are a regular procedure here at Pan Atlantic, however at Christmas, the volume should be turned up and building anticipation and momentum is at the heart of these meetings. Motivating the team by sharing big plans with them and setting individual goals will influence their direction and give them a reason to look forward to getting back to work after the Christmas break.” Explains managing director Justin Cobb of Pan Atlantic, “goals influence focus and focus equals results.”
Lastly, when it comes to doing Christmas the right way in the shoes of a company director, Justin Cobb of Pan Atlantic strongly suggests setting Christmas bonuses and incentives. Not only will this increase motivation in the run-up to Christmas and resulting in higher performance from your team, but you are also showing your generosity and encouraging a fun company culture at a time of giving.