One of the major shortcomings inherent in a great number of entrepreneurs is that they let their passion drive them and oftentimes forget that they could get more done in less time if they would simply take charge of their schedule. Justin Cobb of PanAtlantic looks at some tips for managing your time so that you don’t experience the premature burn out that many entrepreneurs succumb to.

Many entrepreneurs are literally driven by their passion for what they do. Unfortunately, they are so driven that they go non-stop until they are ready to drop. Justin Cobb finds that much of this is due to their inability to delegate responsibility. “It’s not that they can’t,” he says, “it’s simply that they aren’t ready to let go of their ‘baby,’ their brainchild that brought them this far. The don’t understand that their brand and products will always be theirs, but hiring a team that can take on much of the work can free them to do other things and above all, give them time to relax and enjoy life a little.”

Justin Cobb, director and CEO of Pan Atlantic, is often asked to speak at industry events and awards ceremonies because he has mentored so many budding entrepreneurs. What he suggests small business owners do who simply don’t have the resources or employees to draw from when delegating tasks is to choose trusted friends and family members to lend a helping hand. By giving over some responsibilities, the entrepreneur is then able to pursue expansion or simply to see to all those little administrative tasks that somehow there’s never time for.

“You should also make the time to schedule important tasks, setting aside those that can be handled by someone else. If you are going to take the initiative to build a team, it’s time to start scheduling some of the tasks for them to handle. At the same time, you need to plan your work and family life so that you have time for both and above all, you need to learn how to say no. You can’t possibly be all things to all people so learn how to prioritize. If you can’t do it, use that almighty two-letter word!” Justin Cobb understands full well just how easy it is to burn out but with a few time management strategies it is possible to continue with renewed vigor and even enough time left over to enjoy life before it passes you by.